Thu 02 Jan
Amber 60ss special it only takes a few mins with me to be completely satisfied - 28
(Cleveland, Elyria)
Alexis... Busty petite exotic Vixen... sweet fun and openminded! your satisfaction is priority - 24
(Cleveland, west)
All Night Long, After the Game, $50,$50,$50 *216-849-4612* Coco - 20
(Cleveland, off Northfield Rd by 271 south or 480)
Anytime NEW 2Backpage catering 2 professional gentlemen 440-654-3403 - 25
(Cleveland, West side of Cleveland)
ALL you men who r ready to have all your stress relieved pick up the phone and let me ease your mind - 22
(Cleveland, Garfield HTS. white men olny white men o)
Amazing Dream..New In Town 80 Dollar Special..!!! - 18
(Cleveland, Middleburg heights by the airport)
{ADDiCTivE}, SeDUcTiVe _ {eRoTiC} _ N@$t¥ & FR@k¥ _WARNiNG_ ((My LOvE iS kNoWn 2 B CoNTaGiOuS))!! - 24
(East/West OUTCALL spclz)
Adventurous Male Wanted !! ESCORT or FBSM or COMBO Sessions Private INCALL or OUTCALL - 38
♥ Available NOW!! ((bLoNdE)) TAN ((bUsTy)) DOLL! *NO RuSh* ((gReAt pErSoNaLiTy!)) ♥ - 26
(Cleveland, (( -- AiRpOrT area IN&OUT; -- )))
Amazing Face starting @ or Indugle IN A MIND FULL HOUR $95 ALL NIGTH - 25
((ALl DAY)) SPECIALS with S0M3 1 SP3ciAl (( OutCallS & InCALlS)) NoW Available - 28
(Brookpark / Cleveland, Cleveland)
♥ ♥ ♥ SEXY Lil PLAYDATE ♥ ♥ ♥ SUNDAY SPECIAL !! - 22
(Cleveland, incall /outcall - BEST RATES - UP LATE !)
ALLOW [ ★ ] ME 2 KEEP [★] YOU COMPANY [★] - 24
(Cincinnati, at your place,call for details)
--> SPECIALS! ☆ BUSTY☆ Curvy ♡ JuiCy BooTy ♡Yes...Im ReaL☆ FETISH FRIENDLY ☆ UPSCALE - 23
(Cleveland, West ☆ Cleveland)
▒ ❤.• Amazing ReViewS☜❤☞ ☆ H¡GHL¥ §K¡LLED ☆ And F®e@ky 2 The Core ☆ JUiCY ß∅∅TY ❤ - 27
(Cleveland, ★@IRPORT❀°@RE@☆ 24HR INCALLS ONLY)
"Addicted To Love Or Searching For Lust" BootyLicious Ebony Playmate is made to order - 27
(east/west side)
Addictive Brazilian Beauty... No.1 Requested With The Best Skills and Specials!!! Available Now!!! - 20
(Cleveland, Wickliffe)
ೋ (((GrEaT RaTeS))) __ ☆ __ [[AvA!LaBlE aLL DaY]] __ ☆ __ (((L!m!tEd T!mE))) ೋ - 21
(___ೋ (((MENTOR))) ೋ___)
*** ♥ SEXXY Lil PLAYDATE ♥ *** ★ UP-LATE ★ SPECIALS ! ! ! - 22
(Cleveland, incall // outcall ........ UP-LATE !)
💕 All you can handle and then some! 💕
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, everywhere, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesvi)
★(ADD¡Ct¡V€ ★( CuT¡€) ★(1oO%REAL ) ★( AvA¡LaBL€ NOW) ★! Well REVIEWED 172326 - 20
(Cleveland, in/outcalls)
♡ All Natural ♥ Dirty Blonde **** ♡ Well Reviewed & Accurate Pics ♥ - 178509 - 24
(Cleveland, Independence)
I'm something you've never had but what you always wanted - 22
(Philadelphia, King Of Prussia in/out northeast Philly)
(¯`ಞ´¯) ♥ ((A gOOd GiRl gOnE bAd)) *ChASiTY* ((GrEaT ReViEwS)) ♥ (¯`ಞ´¯) - 20
(**AiRpOrT ArEa**)
Allow Your Body, Mind & Spirit To Experience Exciting Heights of Sensuality Leading You To Bliss - 31
(Painesville In-Call)
**AleXiS** Come see me while you can...:) Eastside location TER approved 330-564-5101 - 28
██ ◆¯`'•.¸ ★¸. •'´ALL NIGHT SPECIALS w/Caramel goddess ★LET ME SPOIL YOU ★Don't miss out ¯`'•.¸ ★¸ - 20
(Cleveland, Akron)
I'll Make You " An Offer You Can't Refuse!" - 27
(Philadelphia, cc n liberties roxboro Manayunk city ave)
💖SWEET💎Like CANDY💎⏩⏩αvαiℓabℓe NOW⏪⏪#1 Pℓαγmαte💖70Qk↔100Hh💋 - 21
(South SD County, Chula Vista🚊( i5 & E street ))