Mon 27 Jan
SinFully Sweet(( Southern ))*FiReCrAcKeR* Tall,Blond and Just What you've been searching for.. - 25
(austin / central incall)
***~~~ SeXXy PlaYMaTe`` All NaTuRaL Blonde...ALL ReaL WoMaN ~~*** - 31
(Austin, north / central Austin /183 / in/outcall)
S E X Y ) ( P E T I T E ) G R E E N -E Y E D) ( S P I N N E R)✧A✧H✧r✧I✧a✧N✧a 🚕out calls🚕 - 26
(Austin, San Marcos, South Austin, round rock, Sam Marcos,)
█▒ S € X Y ★ CURVY★ NaUgH-Ty IrISh !! ▒█★QuAlItY SeRvIcE! ★★ 100 specials!! VISITING!! - 24
(Austin, Incalls/ I 35 n)
[ Âb§OLut€Ly ] == [ ÂmÂzInG] =]°= [ iNd€p€nD€nT] =]° °[= [ PLÂ¥MÂT€] =]° INCALL! - 26
(San Fernando Valley, studio city sfv)
Russian Girls Do It Better! Let Me Prove It To You! Highly Reviewed & Verified! $pecials! - 27
(Austin, Austin / I35 and 290/ Incalls Only)
*¨¨* SATISFACTION *¨¨*IS*¨¨* MY *¨¨* BEST *¨¨* QUALITY! *¨¨* GUARANTEED - - 30
(Austin, surrounding area)
★ _____ ::: S_I _M_P_L_Y :::_____ ::T_H_E:: ____ ::: B_E_S_T::: _____★ - 20
a mus LOOK GUYS! super SEXY (5ft) HOT LATINA mami with weekend SPECIALS! - 23
R U H O T 4 Teacher? Teacher by Day, VERY B A D Girl at Night! ~*~ $65 Special! - 37
*Queen*Vanessa Le Veaux *EXOTIC PRINCESS*New Pics(Verified!) Special*NEW PICS*Visting 10/15-10/17 - 26
(Austin, Downtown(In/Outcalls))
.*.*. ! .*. ! .*. .*. PRETTY GIRL .*. SENSUAL & ENJOYABLE .*. VERY SWEET .*. .*. ! .*. ! .*.*. - 23
New girl in town looking to have fun😘❤❤❤ free message included😍 - 20
(Arboretum, Austin, Austin, n Arboretum, Domain, Downtown)
💜 NeW SexY PICS💦💋BonitA ARGENTINA AnessA💦💜 🔥MuY CalientE 🎰LaS VegaS🎀 😘 VISITING🌟SexY 💖 TUESDAY 💋SpecialS💎 - 22
(Austin, Domain Area/ North Austin 💜INCALL OnlY💗)
NEW iN tOWN, ONLy here for a little while come and enjoy it while its here. - 20
New snowbunny💖🐇 olivia I'm here to make ALL ur dreams come true 💖👑😘 - 18
(Austin, South, South Austin)
New Ebony love doll I💞2 k😘Ss 60 80 100💋💋💋C👅M Play cute Face Nice Body Available Now call me - 24
(183north 35 north /south out every where, Austin, South)
HAYWARD💯% Real 🤔📃VeR!f!eD ♒ 💯%SAFE🔐 EBONY🍫 LoVeR'S Dream 💭 Come🍆💦 True❗ - 25
(East Bay, Hayward, 💒HAYWARD)
New in town! Eccie specials! Tight 😉💦! Classy, but freaky! 💑 Couples 💞!! 💐 Lyla the adorable👯! - 22
(Austin, North, NW / Domain / UPSCALE INCALL)
( New Face)©:* EXTREMELY ©:* ADDICTIVE *:©:* BLONDE *::* CUTTIE !!! *:© - 22
(Austin Ncall)
new PICS! must see! SUPER HOT AND BUSTY :-) (100/hh / SPECIAL) - 24
(Austin, William cannon and manchacka)
💘💍💄💎💖 (*NEW*) (*EXoTiC*) (*MiXeD*) (*LaTiNa* . (*B💣mBsHeLL*) (*100% REAL*) 💋💎💄💖 🙋 - 19
(Austin, 35 & 290 incoming calls)
NeW ★——— ❤ ——— █ ❤ BEAUTIFUL LATINA ! ❤ HOT SEXY BOMBSHELL! ❤ █ ——— ❤———★ 100% Real PiCS!!! - 22
(Austin, incall north mopac)
████████▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▬▬▬▬▬New Arrival ❤ E X O T I C ❤ B R U N E T T E ❤️ PRINCESS▬▬▬▬▬ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ - 23
(Austin, Ur place)
♡ ♡ ▐ ►NeW iNtO ToWn LaTina PlaYmatEe▐ ►* ♡ ♡ - ► •*¨¨*¦:* 【iincaLl SpEciAlS♛ - 22
(Austin, Downtown, Incall North Austin& Outcall, North)
NEW GRL!! ☎•❤ •N• A• U• G• H• T• Y ☎•❤ H• O• T• T• T• I• E• ❤• - 21
(Midland / Odessa, odessa/midland)
***NEW__ PICS***H O T *** S E X Y *** S E N S U A L *** M O D E L *** 34DD-24-34 - 26
(Arboretum & North Austin)
NeW +-:¦:-+ _ __S_E_X _Y •-:¦:-•UPSCALE__ H_O_T_T_I_E ____+ A +___ M_U_S_T_ • •__ S_E_E __ - 19
(Austin, SOUTH Austin)
New in town!Coco da upscale goddess 💋60👅100💕150 972-528-8575 - 21
(Austin, I35 n 290 in&out; everywhere, North)
NEED A NEW FAVORITE?? Call the Goddess~~~~~~ EVERYTHING you want on Menu! - 35
(Arboretum, Austin, Downtown, North, north central atx or possibly outcall, Round Rock)
NeW iN tOwN ((( LeT mE YoU aWay ))) YoUnG petite BLONDE ((( AvAiLaBle ALL NiTe ))) - 21
(~~~NoRtWeSt AuStiN ~~~ OuTcAlls AllOvEr)
★.•*¨¨*•- ☆ .. New Hot SEXY Brunette -•*¨¨*•. Seeking Attention ☆ :-•*¨¨*•★ - 20
(Austin, North Austin)
(80qk/120hhr/200hr)Today ONLY ANNA big booty Latina come see me available NOW - 23
(North hills INCALLS & outcalls, San Fernando Valley)
N E W !! BedHead REDD *** S H E L B Y *** P r e t t y P e t i t e P l a y m a t e . . . S W E E T !! - 19
(Austin, *** YOUR PLACE ***)
60 Special till 1 pm no exceptions~ Reseda ~ Real Pics ~ A Body Made For Sin - 38
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Way & White Oak Avenue)
+-:¦:-+ ___N_E_W _ -:¦:-__ H_O_T_T_I_E _____+ A +_____ M_U_S_T_ -:¦:-__ S_E_E ___ +-:¦:-+ - - - 18
(Austin, E.Riverside & Crossing Place 24/7)
👉 N€W N€W 🍭💗 P€tit€★💋 €Xotic 🍬🍭BuBbL€ BuTt 🍭🍬 HOT 💋💗 NaUgHt¥ & ®Eady 2 PLay 💜💕️👉 - 21
(Austin, South, South Austin, 35 & 71)
♥️ẠVẠłŁẠBŁẸ🍹🌹 ₦Ø₩💕 BẸẠỤŦł₣ỤŁ 💋💗Ẹ¥Ẹ✨💎👑₡Ạ₦Ð¥ 💖 💙ŦØP💚 ₦ØŦ₡Ҥ💜�#1 💝🌹MØ$Ŧ🍭₩Ạ₦ŦẸÐ🍬 - 21
(Midland / Odessa, Midland/Odessa/Surrounding)
.*¨*-:¦:-* ♥ N.a.u.g.h.t.y *B.u.t *O* S.o* N.i.c.e ♥ *¨¨*-:¦ ( OUTCALLS ONLY) - 28
(Your Place)
======= ========= > DRIPPING * WET* CHOCOLATE * CO-ED !!TEXT NOW 512 228- 2593! < ========= ======= - 19
💋 UPSCALE 💋 ▓▓OuTcAlL SpeCiAlS ♥ BlOnDe BEAUTY💋 ▓◆ BEST★ LOOKING ◆💋 ▓▓ InCaLl Sⓟⓔⓒⓘⓐⓛs 💋 - 22
(Midland / Odessa, odessa)
Need a get away?! Two beautiful girls availble. Call us!! (si habla espanol) - 20
(Austin, Austin Area)
❦YoUr☆FaVoRiTe ✦Miss✦❦ __ -:¦:-✦KILEY✦✦ __ -:¦:- -:¦:- ✦AVAILABLE NOW ✦✦ _BloNdE BoMbSheLL - 22
(Midland / Odessa, odessa)
★★★ U wanna HAND OUT Fantasy Happy Time + Wonderful Great Thearaphist Massage? Age - 28
(Midland / Odessa)
N E W!! B A B Y BLONDE *** E_L_L_i_E *** . . . Y o u n g P r e t t y & P e t i t e . . . S W E E T!! - 18
You Can't Spell SPOILED 💎💄👜👠👑💁 W/O Oil! On€ * 0F * @ * K!ND * I0o % @U+H£nT!C * V£R!F!£D *100% real - 24
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa)
@ttenti NaOmi is here!!! ☆☆☆☆☆FULL BoDy MassAgeS are also AVAILABLE. SPECIALS ALL NIGHT!! - 27
(Midland / Odessa, midland/odessa /pecos& Big springs areas)
♥ ξvε®ϒ₮ΗϊπG Ύόϑ Dεδϊrε ♥ βϑδty βrunεttε βθmβδhεll ♥ amαzϊng cϑrvεδ ♥ єхhílαrαtíng Viχεη ♥ - 29