Mon 27 Jan
💖💟💖💟💖★SeXY AsiAN LoOking To PLEASE ★Sneak AWay Come PlLAY★💖💟💖💟💖 - 23
(North SD County, Sorrento Valley/Mira Mesa805)
HoT BLoNDE MoDEL 4 YoU **Highly Reviewed on NR** call now for extreme pleasure ;) ~~~ - 23
(Cincinnati, Cincinnati/nky)
❤️❤️❤️ Sexy and Fun Fun girl in Town ❤️❤️❤️ 26yers - 26
(South SD County, Carlsbad , Oceanside . Vista, Escondido)
Hot and ready to play, Let me rock your world! - 19
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, In town, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville)
sexy ebony princess new in town and ready to rock your world....100 roses incall pre-game special - 19
(New Orleans, french quarter/)
--- [ Seductive Submissive 100% Real ] ’_ '_ '_ LET'S PARTY !!! - 21
(North SD County, clairemont / kearny mesa 714)862.93.86)
SuPeR sExY SeDuCtIvE sPeCiAls... StUnNiNg SeXi GoDeSs, SpAnKiNgS gLaDly AcCePtEd,NO Time LIMIT - 28
(Portland, gresham)
R U Tired of showing up& it's NOT the chic n pix? Not here ALL REAL Baby!!! Boootttyyyy! - 26
(New Orleans, Westbank Incalls/ NOLA Outcalls)
San Diego's Unique Body Rub Session FETISH FRIENDLY with EXTRAS Late Night Hrs - 48
(South SD County, Euclie Ave and Division St, San Diego)
***** ****** Sexy SOo Mz. Spactacular BRAND NEW (70) SPEICALS **** **** - 21
(New Orleans East/IN/OUT)
[ ✔ ] SD OUTCALLS == [ sexiest ASIAN 140 specials ] ====> CALL NOW - 22
(City of San Diego, sd outcalls)
😍Satisfyinq & Mouth waterinq😘OutCall special❤💦💎 from Your favorite playmate❤💦🔥 - 22
(Eastlake Jamul mission valley, San Diego, South SD County)
San Diego's Sweetest Buxom Blonde Beauty Spreading Like Xmas Cheer This Holiday Boys! - 29
(East County)
°*Sexy GrEen EYEd HoTtie! NiCe & TiGht & Ready 2 PL@Y!!°* - 28
(New Orleans, New Orleans and Surrounding Areas.)
SAN DIEGO Tonite * Rock Star Reviews & References * Incredible Credible Playmate * BEST OUTCALL NOW - 27
(City of San Diego, San Diego Your Home or Hotel Outcall)
New 80-Barbie Avalible Now 2162459753 -NO RUsH Special- - 23
(Cleveland, incall willoughby 80special 480/271/90)
№➊ S3xY yOuNg N wiLd *•♥• 80$$$ ✰ SPEC*✰ *ReAdY tO ✰ pArTy $$$*•♥•* (985)773-2042 - 22
(New Orleans, kenner,new orleans/plaza)
💖💕💓💞 S M O K I N G ☆ HOT HOT HOT 💞 LATINA PLAYMATE ⭐ Specials tonight 💞💓💖💕 - 24
(City of San Diego, San Diego, your place baby)
♥♡♥Seductive, Exotic Beauty♥♡♥ °o★o"TrEaT YoUrSeLf, 5★Service "o★o° o★o°EarlyMorniin SpECiAlS - 19
(East SD County, city HIGHTS)
❤ Ready&Willing; E[X]tRaOrDin@ry Mi[X]eD WELL E[X]PEriEnCeD ❤ !!!SpeCi@lS!!! - 20
(New Orleans, Kenner (iNCALL ONLY))
Indian Beauty ready & waiting to fulfill ur every need CALL NOW(484)925-5607!! - 19
(Reading, Pottstown Pennsylvania)
🌺🌺S i l k y 🌺🌺 S m o o t h 🌺🌺S e n s u a l🌺🌺S e x y🌺🌺S e d u c t i v e🌺🌺 - 20
(North SD County, Carlsbad/Oside/Vista/S.Mar/Esco (in/out))
No Lie the best mouth around come see specials starting @ $45 504$491$8252 - 26
(New Orleans, new orleans east)
Satisfaction Is My Best Policy = ) BEAUTIFUL BLONDE BARBIE DOLL .And .... All 100% Real Pics!! - 21
(Outcalls Sd & North County)
~~~~Smokin' Hot, Busty Blonde With Dangerous Curves! 38kkk ALL NATURAL - 24
(Portland, Inside me Sweetvanillacream... beaverton)
NEW** vErY FrEakY MoNdAY.. sExY eBoNy SmALl waiSt nice RoUnD BOoTY (100)SPECIALS - 21
(New Orleans, EAST N.O.)
San Diego Incall &Outcall; ~*~ BLoNDE HoTTIE Up LaTE ~*~ HoTEL FrIENDLY !!! SpECIALS !!! - 23
(City of San Diego, San Diego Incall And Outcall)
---»{S I M P L Y ¤ B E A U T I F U L} ¤ Ready To Have Fun¤ { I T S ¤ R E A L L Y ¤ M E}«--- - 31
(City of San Diego, In/Out)
petite italian beauty ready to play...let me relax your every muscle - 25
(New Orleans, in/out calls)
S e d u c t i v e Asian E x o t i c Cassie . 34DD Ready Now - 23
(City of San Diego, San Diego Outcalls)
☀️ ☀️ RiSE & ShiNE! ☀️ ☀️ NEW 🔸🔸 PEtitE 🔻🎀 🎀🔻 iRRESiSTABLE 🔸🔸 coLLEgE cutiE 💛💛 InCaLL - 22
(Carlsbad ENCINITAS Cardiff Solana Beach, North SD County, San Diego)
••••? *?* §PaNkABL€ BoOt¥'S *?* §K¡LL€D L¡P§ & T¡GHT GR¡P§ *?* K¡LL€R BOD¥S *?*?•••• - 19
(New Orleans, East In/outcalls)
S w e e t__P e t i t e__U p s c a l e__B l o n d e__P l a y m a t e!!!.....100% ME if not it's FREE! - 19
(Rancho Bernardo In & Outcalls all over!!)
__** S U P E R **____ ** F R-- E A K **_____ - 21
(City of San Diego, OUTCALLS ALL OVER!!!!!!!!!!)
💕 One BEAUTiFUL Night💕 - 21
(French Quarter / CBD, METRO New Orleans ‼️OUTCALLS ONLY‼️, New Orleans)
*Melissa & Melanie* 100% Real Deal. Don't throw your $ away on fake adds. - 27
(Cleveland, W150th & 71)
**Great Out Call Specials *NEW PICS* (614) 893-5976 The ORIGINAL TORI. Reliable & Fast, UP LATE!** - 27
(Columbus, Out Call Only)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _S I M P L Y_ _ _ _ _ _ _I R R E S I S T I B L E_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 24
(San Diego, OCEANSIDE)
S E X Y & S K i L L E D MIXED ((( CuRvY ))) __ BODY! __ ((( Exotic ))) PLAYMATE!!!! - 18
(City of San Diego, Mission Valley Incalls)
★★★★(¯`•☆•`¯) S I M P L Y ◆♥☆♥◆ I R R E S I S T I B L E (¯`•☆•`¯) ★★★★ Mixed Beauty ..NEW PICS - 19
(City of San Diego, incalls/outcalls)
Outcall!💋NEVER a dull😻💦💦 moment.Crazy mouth 👄watering💦💦games. petite Bangin Body DD nice a $$ - 20
(New Orleans, Metairie, N.O all surrounding)
( W O N ' T )( S T O P ) ( T I L L )( U )( G E T )( E N O U G H ) - 30
(Denver, Cherry Creek S. Dr & Colorado Blvd)
New York Exotic here💃🏽Super Seductive👯 Dominican Portugese Blend👩🏽🍑😜 Wanna Try Some❓ - 20
(New Orleans, West Bank, Westbank French Quarters)
❤ =R=E=V=I=E=W=E =D= ✰ = B=L=O=N=D=E= ❤ = B=A=R=B=I=E = ✰ - 22
(City of San Diego, Mira Mesa Blvd - 15 Fwy)
* * * * *NeW NeW nEw * * ThE BeSt eVeR * SpEcIaLs w CaCAsIoN * hOtTiE* * * * * * * - 19
(kenner in & out)