Thu 02 Jan
120 qv♥NEW KINKY SPANiSH D✪LL (🌟) Candi Red 💣8327820259(🌟) DR✪P DEAD G✪RGE✪US OUTCALLS ALL OVER - 19
(Pasadena, 45s/hobby/Pasadena/deerpark/225/La porte)
1000%real hot 🔥🔥🔥🔥Asian girl hot sexy young girl💝💝💝💝💝 - 20
(1960& I-145 /spring/woodland/humble/ TX, City of Houston, Houston)
$100hhr$pecial$ CoKe BoTtlE mIxEd BrEeD rEAdY 2 TeAsE - 20
(Houston, 45/1960/Greenspoint/IN/OUTCALLS)
------ 100 SPECIAL --- CURVACIOUS, CⓊ MALICIOUS, CUTIE PIE ⎷⎛ --- 100 SPECIAL------ - 28
100% Real iTALIAN Freak BUSTY and THICK all over Chyna Doll 48i Br3ast & 52 INches of Curvyyyy @$$ - 24
(City of Houston, Houston, INCALLS 45VN 19960)
100% real pics "EXOTIC" ASIAN/Ebony mixed #freak# BEST KEPT SECRET!! (new) Pics IN & OUTCALLS - 19
(Houston, 45 North/1960/Humble/Woodlands)
** Your Ebony Delight / Energizer Bunny ** 100/60mins ** No Rushing ** Two Session 160/60mins **
(Outcalls Houston Area)
FRIDAY!!! Wat A Great Way To Start Weekend!! 100%REAL 100%GFE - 34
SUPER FREAK 《Blonde Hair & Blue Eyes》 ★Barbie 432*438*2361 ★ Last chance leaving tomorrow - 20
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa INCALL ONLY)
_S_U_P_E_R__ *H_O_T_T_I_E_!* - _C_L_I_C_K * H_E_R_E_* 4T_H_E* B_E_S_T - 20
(Austin, north.incall/outcall)
.*.*.*. PuErtoRIcAN GODESS. .*.*.*. Available OUTcALLs .& .*.caLL ME NOW - 22
O-:¦: U -:¦:T -:¦ S -:¦: T :¦: A -:¦: N -:¦:D :¦: I -:¦:- N-:¦: G _ Special ~ 100 ~ Special today ~ - 23
(620.N.west//private incall)
♛ NEW !!_♛ ReLaX aNd tReaT yOUrsElf wiTh cOmPaniOnsHiP wiTh lONdOn StAxx - 20
(North Central Austin)
I Promise Im well worth your while, come see for yourself! Beautiful,Sexy, Passionate! Pics 100% Me! - 22
(iNcalls/North austin/290)
💜HavE YouR WaY WitH ME!!!💜🌟PLeASuRe🌟(BEY0nD) 💜 MeAsUrE!💣💋Austins NEWEST HoTtie💋💣 - 23
(Austin, Downtown, Your home, apartment, or hotel🚗)
Hennessy- 🍑🍑🍑Slim Peach Booty💦 Available All Day/All Night Incalls/Outcalls💕 - 20
(Austin, North CedarPark 183 Aboretum 35 Mopac)
GEORGEOUS☆* FiVe St★R *BaRbiE * SeXxiE HoTT * DOll facEd CuTiE ☆ AvAiLabLe NoW OuT CaLl * REVIEWED - 22
(Austin, Outcalls Austin)
█ ——---———" G O R G E O U S " ——————— U—N—F—O—R—G— E—T—T—A—B—L—E !!! —————— █ - - 24
(Austin, 290 & 35)
Hot and ready to play, Let me rock your world!
(Austin, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, San Marcos, Waco, hotel room)
BROOKE IS BACK!!! The best is here waiting for you... 65$ specials - 24
(New Braunfels, San Marcos, Seguin, San Marcos)
□♢■Sweet treat □ Maxxie ■ Italian Beauty □♢■ - 21
(Midland / Odessa, Midland. / oc surrounding areas)
(•❤•) ~*~*~*~* (•❤•) ~*~ (•❤•) SaTUrDAy DeALs!! •❤• HoRnY HoTTiE (•❤•) ~*~ (•❤•) ~*~*~*~* (•❤•) - 22
(Midland / Odessa, ODESSA / JBS PKWY)